
Posts Tagged ‘ricky gervais’


September 29, 2011 2 comments


Last night I finally decided to watch Cemetery Junction, I really don’t know why I haven’t watched it before. Ricky Gervais is genuinely my favourite tv/showbiz person.

Cemetery Junction was somehow better than I expected, highlighting exactly everything that is brilliant about Gervais and Merchant, perfectly cast, beautifully shot and so encapsulating of what Britain is.

The desperation to take that chance, to step away from the rut of the standard working life, forget what year it’s in, the message is the same wherever and despite my comment about Britishness, that fight for happiness is clearly a universal message, fuck sitting around and waiting, go and get happiness. This does not make me feel worse about feeling stuck in a rut in pretty much every aspect of my life at the moment.

Christian Cooke is a great lead, despite being unknown previously, to me at least, and he’s a great lookalike of Blaine Gabbert. Fact.


Tomorrow marks ten years from the first airing of The Office.

How mental is that?

A full decade on from “I don’t give shitty jobs.” leading to “Chris, why don’t you fuck off?”

A genuinely flawless programme, heartwarming, hilarious and real. So real. I dread to think how much of how I am now is inspired by David Brent, or Ricky Gervais at least. Sure. I daren’t even try and work out how many times I’ll have quoted, innacuartely, “I for one believe her”, “Love me, love me, pathetic”, “Yeah, you are the best”, “Weeelll” “That’s what I think of you selection policy..” “Exsperminate”.

Genuinely too many words said too often, that’s off the top of my head, there will be so many more, that’s excluding body language and mannerisms. Unbelievable.

Tomorrow shall be marked with a celebration fitting of it, el vino will flow.